Abolishing Immoral Legislation

Baltimore Resistance

Church Militant’s Resistance in Baltimore continues to have massive impact on local legislation.

With the guidance of chapter captains Duffy and Ro Kane, Resistance members learn how to give testimony on bills as they go to committees for voting.

Using the Maryland General Assembly website, “resistos,” as they’re called, submit testimony denouncing immoral bills such as those that extend so-called rights for abortion, sodomy, woke education and more. They also advocate for positive bills.      

Maryland General Assembly Website homepage

During the current legislative session, Resistance members have given testimony on three bills:

  • HB1232/SB372, which allows pharmacists to administer vaccines to toddlers and children without appropriate oversight
  • HB705/SB798, which limits restrictions on abortion (Sadly, this bill passed in both the house and senate and will now need to be fought when it hits Maryland’s ballot in 2024)
Former Maryland State Delegate
Dan Cox  

This isn’t the first time Resistance has taken action to halt immoral legislation. In March 2022, Resistance submitted testimony opposing Maryland’s HB1171, which sought to make abortion a constitutional right in Maryland (similar to what HB705/SB798 aims to do). Due to the influx of opposing testimony, the bill was pulled from the floor, effectively killing the efforts of child murderers.

This is a simple and meaningful way for every Catholic to engage. Research what bills are proposed in your state, find your state legislature’s website, identify the window of time in which you can submit testimony on a bill and how to do it, and give your testimony.   

So, what are you waiting for? Start researching today and help crush the demonic Left’s plans in your state!    

Church Militant Resistance is a grassroots movement that helps Catholics connect, develop and take action. Our goal is to resist and reverse the evil that has infiltrated our Church and culture.

If you like our work, you can support us by clicking HERE to donate.


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