Resistance Men Unite in Prayer

St. Petersburg FL Resistance

On Saturday, March 4, the men of St. Petersburg, Florida Resistance held their third men's Rosary rally.

Resistance Captain Ed Maurer said, “The world would have us be quiet and retreat into our small, separated enclaves of safety and well-being. However, such a move would be a mistake, playing right into [evildoers’] hands. We are not a small and separated force. We have power when we unite, when we push back especially in public prayer. Men around the world are increasingly praying publicly the holy Rosary of the Blessed Mother for her intercession in their communities.”

"We all have a role to fulfill in this spiritual war, and men must take the lead. Act as Christ did, sacrificing everything out of love. The time for TV binging and hobbies is over. We must do something now even if we have to start small," he added.

Ed has recently stepped down as the captain of the chapter due to other commitments requiring his time. We are incredibly grateful for his sacrifice of time, effort and skills to help local Catholics organize.

If you are interested in Resistance leadership, email for more details.   

Church Militant Resistance is a grassroots movement that helps Catholics connect, develop and take action. Our goal is to resist and reverse the evil that has infiltrated our Church and culture.

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