Marquette, MI


We are Marquette Resistance

Church Militant Resistance is a grassroots movement that helps Catholics connect, develop and take action. Our mission is to resist and reverse the evil that has infiltrated our Church and culture.

We are in the Diocese of Marquette, Michigan

Our purpose is to provide Catholics with the tools needed to learn more about their faith through the authentic teachings of Jesus Christ and to learn how to invite non-Catholics to discover the fullness of the Truth.

Our initial strategy invites everyone to our gatherings by first speaking to the congregation after Mass, following with bulletin inserts, word-of-mouth, and a survey that was designed to get people talking and attending the gatherings. Our continuing strategy is to send e-mails to the attendees and a video summary in the bulletin the following week.


Reconciliation comes when one accepts the fullness of truth and goes to confession. We are also going to invite neighboring parishes to our gatherings and

We use the video series “The One True Faith” to get everyone excited about learning our Faith. The spiritual world and the fullness of truth comes alive when speaker Michael Voris talks in the videos. It is really effective because Michael is the laity, not a priest, and has a special gift of getting and holding people’s attention. Everyone from inside and outside the parish are welcome to attend.

So far with only two gatherings in Marquette, I can measure great success by the enthusiasm of our parishioners and our priest. 18 at our first meeting and 14 at our second.

All strategy documents are available upon your request and can be tailored to your specific needs. If you are interested in leading the way for this initiative in your state or parish community please contact the chapter captain.